Norton College, Worcester
Norton College has worked with mentors from the Up Foundation for over three years. Mentors work closely with students to help them understand more about their culture, develop a sense of identity and embrace cultural diversity. They work with some of our more hard to reach students, through sport and other activities within the community to enable them to develop their self-esteem and general well-being. They have offered our students opportunities to learn new skills, to believe in themselves,. move away from anti-social behaviour and achieve their full potential.
Debbie Pribojac, Assistant Headteacher, Norton College. July 2021
Warwickshire Justice Centre
As allocated social worker for a Looked After young person, I was so pleased to see the commitment, consistency and input from the Up Foundation with him. They took the time to build a relationship with him in the first place and were really ‘present’ when doing that; they got to know the young person through a range of activities, being persistent, open-minded and really understanding him and his needs; the team have shown themselves to really care about the young man and want the best for him. The work the Up Foundation have done (and continue to do) with this young man has been child-centred, positive engagement and mentoring work; the young person speaks so fondly of the worker(s) which is testament to them; he struggles with trust and honesty because of his experiences but the Up Foundation worker(s) are people he clearly trusts, can be honest with and seek support and guidance from.
Sam Townsend, Child Exploitation, Missing and Trafficking Team, Wariwkcshire Justice Centre. October 2021